XHS Account Management Service

Our XHS Account Management Service is your gateway to mastering one of China’s fastest-growing social media platforms, XiaoHongShu (Little Red Book). XHS has evolved into an authoritative source for brand and product reviews, influencing the buying decisions of Chinese-speaking customers globally, including in markets like Canada, the USA, UK, and Southeast Asia. With our service, we manage your XHS account by creating and posting compelling content regularly, ensuring your brand resonates with this influential audience. Suitable for a wide range of industries, our service is particularly beneficial for businesses targeting the Chinese market and local businesses worldwide aiming to connect with Chinese communities.

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Why an XHS Account is Crucial for Your Brand

An XHS account offers several key benefits:

  • Increased Brand Visibility: Regular posts enhance brand presence on a platform highly regarded by potential buyers.
  • Influence on Consumer Decisions: XHS is known for shaping purchasing decisions, especially among Chinese-speaking audiences.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with a community that actively seeks product and service recommendations.
  • Industry Versatility: Ideal for various sectors, including restaurants, cosmetics, services, education, travel, and foreign brands.

The Process

Our comprehensive management strategy ensures your brand thrives on XHS:

After placing your order, you’ll be redirected to a form to submit detailed information. You will also receive an email for the form to complete.

If you do not have a XHS account, our team will assist you to open one. Note that XHS requires all account opening with a Chinese mobile phone number.

After you sign up, we begin with setting up your XHS account and developing a tailored content strategy.

We curate 4 posts per week, focusing on short, engaging content that encourages sharing and interaction.

Our content is designed to be authentic and engaging, encouraging forwards and influencing buying decisions.

We tailor content to suit your specific industry, maximizing relevance and impact.

Regularly monitor your account’s performance, adjusting strategies to enhance engagement and reach.

We provide ongoing reports and feedback, continually refining our approach to align with your brand goals.

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